Have you ever contemplated what it is about music that has such power over us? Music has the ability to capture a moment and stir something deep within our souls. Songs can make us cry, make us laugh, fill us with anticipation, or even make us feel joy. Movie producers know this. It’s why the score of a movie can evoke such strong emotional connections. Music shapes us.
It shapes me.
Sometimes I stumble upon a new artist or hear a specific song that really resonates with me. And so it is of late. This song has struck a chord with me. Perhaps it’s because I’m studying the idea of Covenant and really meditating on the idea of Jesus trading places with us and mediating a new covenant on our behalf. Maybe it’s just the theme of grace that always seems to leave me undone.
I don’t know; but I do know that this chorus just leads me right into a place of tender worship.
You plead my cause, you right my wrongs
You break my chains, you overcome
You gave your life, to give me mine
You say that I am free
How can it be?
I think it will be my theme song for this Fall. I’m so glad God gives us music to express the things that are on our hearts.
What music has been resonating with you lately?
I have stumbled upon the Willis Family. Christian based, wholesome 12 kids ,mom and dad . They sing play all types of instruments and even dance. They tend to have an Irish feel to them but still loving their music.